Are Betta Fish Tropical? {What Needs Do They Have}

Are you thinking to get a betta fish but are windering are betta fish tropical fish?

Do they have special needs you need to fur fill.

I will cover this and everything else you need to know.

Are Betta Fish Tropical?

Betta fish are tropical, they thrive best in a clean and warm tank. They prefer temperature within the range of 76-810F.

Betta fish are one of the aquarium fish species that are greatly affected by their environment. You shouldn’t be overwhelmed with the belief that caring for Betta fish is difficult. You can make them comfortable with a few easy steps.

Are Betta Fish Tropical

General Tank Requirements of Betta Fish

Betta fish are not strict with their environmental demands. All they need is a clean and stable tank. Even though Betta fish can survive in a wide range of environments, it doesn’t underestimate the importance of keeping the water consistent.

Betta fish need about 5 gallons of water to thrive well in a tank. However, you can compromise these values if you are keeping more than one fish in the tank.

The ideal temperature for the Betta fish’s tank is between 76-81°F. They thrive best in warm water, and it is essential to ensure that the tank’s temperature is stable. You can add a heater to the tank to ensure that the temperature is kept constant.

The pH of the water in Betta fish’s tank should not be far from neutral. It is better to keep it between 6-8. You can carry out a regular check on the water to keep track of the pH.

The inclusion of a water filter to the fish tank will help you maintain the cleanliness you need. Adding live plants will also help you in maintaining the cleanliness of the tank. Live plants and other decorations will provide a hiding place for the members of the tank.

Avoid using sharp and coarse gravel in Betta fish tanks to prevent damage to the fish. You can wash the gravel and get rid of sharp granules to keep it smooth.

Tank Requirements of Betta Fish

Regular Tank Maintenance of Betta Fish

It is paramount to learn about the proper maintenance of your Betta fish tank because they struggle to cope in a dirty environment. Likewise, they need the tank parameters to be stable and consistent.

First off, you should keep track of your fish tank by taking regular measurements. Use a thermometer to take regular measurements of the temperature and use a suitable method to keep track of the pH.

Carry out regular water changes at least once every two weeks. It would be best if you made about 25% water changes for effectiveness. Don’t change the entire tank water at a go because the change might be too drastic for your Betta fish to handle.

Avoid the accumulation of organic waste in your fish tank. You can achieve this by getting rid of all leftover food immediately. Prevent algae accumulation by regulating the lighting in your tank. You can also introduce an algae eater or use other suitable methods to eliminate existing algae in your tank.

Betta fish will find it hard to cope in an overcrowded tank. Aside from the fact that there will be a rapid buildup of organic waste, they won’t have enough space to express themselves.

Keep Betta fish in the quiet part of your home because they often get stressed by noise. Bright light will also keep them active. So, it would help if you regulated the tank’s lighting to help them get some rest.

Feeding Betta Fish

Food is one of the essentials of life. Like every other living thing, Betta fish need food for proper growth and to stay healthy.

Betta fish can grow up to 2.5 to 3 inches under suitable conditions and proper diet. Feeding also plays a vital role in the lifespan of this fish species. They can live up to 3 years under ideal conditions and a suitable diet.

Feeding them with an appropriate diet at the right time will help them grow and keep their bright colors. It also helps them to stay healthy and immune to various diseases.

Betta fish are omnivorous, but their carnivorous part is often dominant. They can feed on varieties of insects, invertebrates, and other smaller organisms in the tank. They will happily feast on bloodworms and brine shrimps.

Betta fish will grow healthy on various flakes, dry, and frozen foods. You can also consider feeding them with suitable vegetables.

However, it is best to ensure that what you are feeding your Betta fish can easily fit into their mouth. Avoid overfeeding the fish because it will do more harm than good.

Feeding adult Betta fish twice a day is enough to keep them happy and healthy. For Betta fish fry, you can increase the feeding time to thrice a day.

Feeding Betta Fish

General Behavior of Betta fish

Betta fish add life and
color to the tank. They interact with their immediate environment and react to changes. Betta fish are fairly intelligent, and they can recognize and identify objects and people. They can also identify with patterns and get used to it.

On a few occasions, Betta fish can recognize their owner after coming in contact with them at frequent times.   They are naturally curious, and this makes them interact with the environment outside the tank.

Betta fish can be peaceful when the conditions are right for them, and they have compatible tank mates. Never make the mistake of keeping two male Betta fish together at the same time.

They can grow aggressive towards each other; thus, resulting in a brutal fight. Both males won’t stop fighting until one becomes excessively stressed or dies. Similarly, it would be best to keep everything that can stress or trigger Betta fish away from them.


Betta fish are a peaceful species of tropical fish. They thrive well in clean, stable, and warm water. You can include a filter and heater to keep the water conditions at an optimal level. If you intend to keep Betta fish, then you must be prepared for regular tank maintenance.

These fish species are also interactive with the environment outside their tank. They can recognize and identify objects, persons, and patterns.


Hello, I'm Jason. I'm the guy behind I volunteer at my local fish shop and I created this site to offer tips and advice on the fish I care for.
