Do you wish to add suitable plants to your fish tank? Are you willing to add something more spectacular? How about using various flowering plants? Read on to find out about some of the suitable underwater and overwater plants for your tank.
Common underwater plants include Orchid Lily, Anubias, Amazon sword, Giant hygro, hornwort, Lace plants, and Bucephalandra. Underwater aquarium plants include Waterwheel Plant, Fanwort, Rotala, Dwarf Sagittaria Subulata, banana plant, Japanese sweet flag, and Ruffled Sword Plant.
What Plants Flower in the Aquarium?
Flowering plants are suitable for aquariums. Several plants produce flowers in the aquarium. Some of these plants are overwater, while others are underwater.
These plants include Rotala, Amazon swords, Orchid Lily, Hornwort, and Anubias.
Do Aquatic Plants Have Flowers?
Of course, most aquatic plants have flowers. Aside from moss and fern, most other aquatic plants have flowers. Some of these flowering plants flow at the water’s surface, while some remain submerged under the water.
It doesn’t matter if the plants are submerged or not. Flowering aquatic water will grow flowers as long as they are actively growing in the tank.
7 Underwater Flowering Aquarium Plants
Underwater aquatic plants are lovely in aquariums. They produce underwater blooms, which make them suitable for covered tanks. They often spread through the tank until it fills the tank.
1. Orchid Lily
Orchid Lily is one of the most common aquarium flowering plants. This underwater plant does not only beautify the tank. It is also suitable for most fish types.
The plant gives rare beauty to the tank with its stunning colors. The plant usually has red, purple, and green foliage. They can grow as tall as 17 to 30 inches under suitable conditions and are perfect for a 70-gallon tank.
Orchid Lilly only requires moderate lighting. It only requires fine sand that can reach half of the plant’s bulb. C02 and balanced fertilizers will help with its coloration too. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 75 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a moderate PH between 6.3 and 7.2.
2. Anubias
Anubias is another valuable option for underwater flowering plants in aquariums. It is native to Africa and will boost the appearance of fish tanks. It has creamy-white flowers that are striking and unique.
The plants can grow as tall as 7.5 to 16 inches, and the overall appearance is dark green. Anubias has broad leaves that form suitable hiding and resting place for your fish. It can grow on most substrates, including rocks, wood, and other decors.
Anubias will grow well with low to moderate lighting. Also, it will fit small aquariums, as low as 10 gallons. This plant does not require any unique substrates because it can grow almost all types available in tanks. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.5.
3. Hornwort
Hornwort is another common aquarium flowering plant. It is unique for its leaf size and fast growth. This plan is an excellent choice for beginners because it is easy to propagate and maintain in fish tanks.
These underwater flowering plants are great for tank cleanups. They use up nutrients, oxygenate the water, and contribute to natural water cleanup.
Hornwort is common on various water bodies around all continents except Antarctica. This plant will require regular and heavy pruning because of its rapid growth. A single hornwort plant can grow up to 10 feet.
This plant only requires moderate light. It will fit into tanks as small as 10 gallons, and it neither requires substrates nor fertilizers. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 58 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.5.
4. Bucephalandra
Bucephalandra is commonly referred to as “BUCE” by most aquarists as a short reference. This plant is slow-growing and does not take too much space in the tank. These features make it suitable for small tanks and do not require heavy pruning.
The best growing Bruce barely reaches 10 inches in total size. This limited growth makes it suitable as a background and foreground plant in aquariums. Its curly appearance with red-green leaves allows it to add beauty to your tank.
Bruce flowers are usually white or pink. They don’t require any form of fertilization and do not require a substrate to grow. But adding CO2 to the tank will improve their growth and colors. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 71 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.5. It requires only low lighting to thrive best.
5. Amazon Swords
The Amazon sword is a common plant and will fit most aquariums. This plant has colorful green leaves with creamy-white flowers. This plant is rapidly growing, and it can grow as tall as 16 inches.
The Amazon sword is an ideal choice for beginners because it is easy to add to fish tanks. It rarely produces flowers, but the presence of fertilizers will improve its chances.
This plant can grow tall, and its leaves are broad. So, you might need enormous space in the tank. On the bright side, the plant produces enough room for your fish to hide and rest.
Amazon swords require moderate lighting and no unique substrate. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 61 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.5.
6. Giant Hygro
Giant Hygro is another underwater flowering plant that is an ideal choice for beginners. This plant grows fast and can be as tall as 24 inches. So, you can only add it to a minimum tank of 10 gallons.
This plant only requires moderate lighting. It has typical leaf-green color and is suitable as a background plant. The flowers have velvet colors which add to your tank beauty.
Fertilizers can help the growth of giant hygro. These fertilizers should be rich in trace elements like potassium and iron. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 72 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.5.
7. Lace Plant
The lace plant is arguably one of the most colorful underwater aquarium plants. It has a striking purple color and unique net-like leaves. This plant has slowed to moderate growth even under suitable conditions.
Lace plants are not so easy to care for and require moderate to high temperatures. The cost of acquiring and maintaining a Lace Plant in aquariums is relatively high. However, it flowers regularly when the conditions are right. This underwater flowering plant thrives best at 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6 and 7.

7 Overwater Flowering Aquarium Plants
Overwater flowering plants will add so much beauty to your tank as underwater plants. Their blooms, flowers, and shoots are usually at the water surface—the bloom right above the waterline when the tank is uncovered or not filled.
Below are common overwater aquarium plants;
1. Fanwort
Fanwort is otherwise known as Cabomba. It is one of the best overwater aquarium plants you can add to fish tanks. It is one of the easiest plants to keep in this category, making it an ideal choice for beginners.
The flowers of fanwort can be any of yellow, purple, or white. This overwater plant needs plenty of light to thrive. The introduction of CO2 and fertilizers will also improve its color, particularly for the red and purple.
This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6.5 and 7.5. It also requires fine or iron-rich gravel for proper growth.
2. Waterwheel Plant
Waterwheel plants are less common than many other overwater aquarium plants. The plant has wheel-like leaves arranged around a stem; hence, its name. It is an ideal option for large brackish tanks.
It thrives at low nutrients but requires a high injection of CO2. They rarely produce flowers and require moderate to high lighting. Also, the waterwheel plant is only suitable for large tanks from 30 gallons and above.
This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 50 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 5 and 6.5. It requires a peat substrate with a heavy layer of decaying materials.
3. Rotala
Rotala plants are easy to grow in aquariums. The only challenge with this plant is the hassle of bringing out their deepest red color. This plant has small purple flowers that bloom above the waterline.
Rotala plants are usually fast-growing and will give a bushy green color under low lighting. It is best to have intense lighting to bring out the deepest red coloration. Besides lighting, you will also need to block the plant’s access to nitrogen to bring out this color.
This overwater plant will fit a tank size from 10 gallons upward. It requires gravel substrates and needs CO2 to bring out its red color. Rotala thrives best at 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 5.8 and 7.9.
4. Japanese Sweet Flag
Japanese sweet flag is just as its name implies. Although it is not an actual aquatic plant, it is suitable for open-top tanks. This plant appears like grass and is approximately 12 to 14 inches in size.
This overwater plant requires low to moderate light. It is suitable for beginners’ tanks because it is easy to care for in aquariums. Japanese sweet flag requires grave substrate, balanced fertilizer, and CO2. This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6.8 and 7.5.
5. Ruffled Sword Plant
The ruffled sword plant is similar to the regular sword plants. It has ruffled edges; hence, its name. The plant has a range of colors, from green to pale brown.
This plant can grow up to 20 inches in height and requires low to moderate light. It is suitable for tall aquarium setups that are larger than 20 gallons.
This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 60 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6.5 and 7.5. The plant only requires C02 in hard water, but balanced fertilizer will boost its growth.
6. Banana Plant
The banana plant has a characteristic broadleaf and tiny flowers. The leaf provides your fish with enough hiding spaces. It is easy to grow and only requires fertilizers in substrates that lack nutrients.
The light requirement for this substrate is low to moderate, and it is suitable for fish tanks. Covering your plant with the total substrate can kill the plant. This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 68 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6.0 and 7.2.
7. Dwarf Sagittaria subulata
This overwater leaf plant is not common but hardy, and it can tolerate both hard and soft water. The plant has thin green leaves and can grow up to 12 inches.
It only requires moderate to high lighting and does not necessarily need CO2 injections. The leaves are egg-shaped, but the flowers are small and white. This overwater flowering plant thrives best at 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It also blooms well in a PH range of 6.5 and 8.0.
Can I Put A Flower in My Fish Tank?
Of course, you can add flowers to your fish tank. Decorations do not have to be live plants; they can be flowers too.
What Is the Name of Flowers That Grow in Water?
Flowers that grow in water are generally referred to as aquatic or water plants. However, each type has specific names.
What Are the Three Types of Aquatic Plants?
The three common plants are;
- Free-floating aquatic plants
- Underwater aquatic plants
- Overwater aquatic plants
Plants are valuable additions to your aquarium. Besides the fact that they add value to your aquarium, they also provide hiding and resting places for your fish. It is best to choose the most suitable plant for your tank.
You can have either overwater or underwater plants. Both types work well, depending on your fish and the tank type.
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