What is New Tank Syndrome

What do you understand about the new tank syndrome? Is it harmful to your fish and other aquatic organisms in the tank? How long does the syndrome last? Read on to find out everything you need to know about new tank syndrome in this article.

New tank syndrome is a condition whereby there is a quick, continuous rise in nitrite level in the tank. This rise causes a high amount of nitrite in the tank water. After a while, the nitrite concentration sinks, reducing the amount of nitrite in the tank.

How Long Does New Tank Syndrome Last?

New tank syndrome can last for about 6 to 12 weeks. You will need to keep track of your water quality during this period. You will also have to check the nitrite and ammonia level in the tank to know when the syndrome stops.

Nitrites and ammonia are toxic for fish and can bring harm to them. You have to make sure your fish are not in the tank when this syndrome occurs, 0r you make sure you control the concentration of ammonia and nitrite in the tank.

The new tank syndrome occurs due to the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle refers to the formation process of ammonia and nitrite in the tank. It starts from the formation of inorganic nitrogen compounds from fish waste.

The compounds increase the pH of the water, making it more alkaline and unconducive for your fish. The formation of ammonia and nitrites in the tank causes the pH of the water to keep rising. In addition to this, concentration keeps rising until the bacteria balances the system.

In an old tank, the beneficial bacteria convert the toxic nitrites into nitrates. This results in little or no significant rise in the concentration of ammonia or nitrite in the tank. However, in a new tank, there are no beneficial bacteria to convert this toxic substance. Hence causing the continuous rise in nitrite levels.

It will take a while before the bacteria forms in the new tank, resulting in prolonged hike in nitrite level. When the bacteria forms completely, there will be a conversion of nitrites to nitrate. Also, it will result in reduction in the concentration of nitrites.

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How is New Tank Syndrome Treated?

There are several ways you can treat new tank syndrome. One of the most common ways of treating new tank syndrome is to cycle the tank. Cycling the tank is one of the most effective ways of treating the syndrome.

Cycling the tank simply means cultivating nitrogen-fixing bacteria in your tank. It also requires you to ensure the growth of these bacteria to help convert the harmful nitrites in the tank. Also, you have to follow simple steps when cultivating bacteria in your tank.

When treating new tank syndrome, the first thing you have to do is to introduce these bacteria into the tank. You can do this by bringing seed media into the tank. The seed media is a bio-media that contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Bringing the seed media into the tank will ensure the growth and development of the bacteria. The bacteria will fix the nitrite issue, making your fish tank once again conducive. After the bacteria become cycled, you will be free from high toxicity in the tank.

You can also carry out regular water changes to reduce the concentration of the nitrites in the tank. You can perform partial or full water change, depending on how best you think you should do it. Furthermore, you also need to reduce the amount of waste in the tank to ensure clean, healthy water.

Removing nitrates from the tank will keep your tank safe from harmful substances. Having beneficial bacteria in the tank will help create a balance in the tank system. You can make use of several methods to remove toxic substances.

After treating your tank of new tank syndrome, you can now add your fish into the tank. It will ensure your fish and other aquatic organisms live a toxic-free life. You can also perform regular cleaning of the tank to ensure it is safe for your fish.

Is New Tank Syndrome Bad?

New tank syndrome is quite bad, especially if you do not treat it as soon as possible. It causes the buildup of nitrites in the tank, which can be very harmful. You need to treat the new tank syndrome to ensure the good health of your fish and other aquatic animals.

If you have your fish in the tank during the new tank syndrome, you should remove it as soon as you can. You can also try to treat the syndrome to ensure a healthy environment for your fish. There are several ways you can treat the new tank syndrome.

You only need to make your choice to provide a better environment for your aquarium.

Will a Water Change Help New Tank Syndrome?

The new tank syndrome is a result of the high concentration of nitrites in the tank. A water change will reduce the concentration of nitrites and get rid of the new tank syndrome. You have to ensure you frequently change the water for enhanced results.

You can decide to perform a complete or partial water change in the tank. The nitrite concentration in the tank will also reduce as long as you perform regular water changes. You also have to make sure the water you use is clean and does not contain toxic substances.

Performing a regular change with impure water will do no good but cause harm to your aquatic life. You have to make sure the water you use as a replacement during water changing is suitable for your fish. You also need to ensure the necessary water devices and instruments in the tank.


New tank syndrome is not an uncommon phenomenon as it tends to happen to many new tanks. It indicates an excess concentration of nitrites and ammonia in the water. This condition can be harmful to your fish health.

Treat your tank of new tank syndrome to keep them safe and healthy.

John Brandon

John has kept fish all his life (since he was about 5). He started with keeping guppies and fell in love with fish keeping almost straight away. That was 40 odd years ago. These days John still keeps fish and currently has two large tanks where he keeps many different types of fish such as Angelfish, Neon Tetras, Goldfish, Guppies and many more.
