Brown algae include seaweeds found in the cold waters of the northern hemisphere. They are a large group of multicellular algae that comprise the class Phaeophyceae. Brown algae can be toxic to the health of aquarium fish; hence, aquarists try as much as possible to get rid of them from fish tanks.
You can eliminate algae from your fish tank by some simple clean up steps. Also, you can start by changing about 20-30% of the tank water. You also eliminate organic waste; reduce nitrate levels, lower silicon levels, and make the general condition of the tank unfavorable for their growth.
Brown algae serve as food for certain fish species in the tank. These organisms can also be as awful as they can be useful, depending on your intention. They are not good looking and can be lethal to the health of aquarium members.
Therefore, these detrimental effects cause tank owners to go all out to get rid of brown algae from their tank. Getting rid of them might not be easy if you do not know the right way to go about it.
How To Effectively Remove Algae From Your Tank
Getting rid of brown algae isn’t just one thing that you have to do. It requires many conditions to be followed by persistently and prudently. These conditions include:
Making Use Of Algae Eating Animals
This is the biological process of eliminating brown algae. This process comprises introducing organisms that feed on brown algae. Animals like Siamese algae eater, Bristlenose, Chinese algae eater, Otocinclus catfish, Mystery snail, Nerite snail, Malaysian trumpet snail, and lots more. These organisms feed on algae so they can be your best bet against brown algae. Shrimps can also perform a great deal of job as regards this awful enemy.
Keep Watch Of The Nitrate Level
For the active growth of algae, nutrients, warm temperature, and light needs to be available. If peradventure any of these is reduced, then the algae’s growth will be reduced. So in order to reduce the nitrate level, you can add drops of vodka to the water. The dosage of vodka added to the tank must be regulated because vodka affects fishes. When you keep the nitrate level, there is a very high chance of eliminating the algae in your tank.
Promote A Clean Filter And Tank
Ensure always to keep the filters clean to allow free flow of water and make the water free from nitrates and silicates. The clean and free flow of water hinders the growth of algae. Cleaning the tank and maintaining its cleanliness is also a preventive measure against the growth of algae. Clean water doesn’t support the growth of algae, so you should regularly change the water in the tank and keep clean filters to allow the free flow of water.
Using Physical Means To Eradicate The Brown Algae
Another way of eliminating these unwanted guests from your tank is through physical means. This process will cost you nothing but stress, time, and energy. This process entails using suction or your hand to take out these plants. These physical means involve scraping every brown alga from the walls of your tank. Brown algae are terrible in swimming, so they cling to the walls of the container, plants, or even decorations. So you have to clean every nook and cranny. This scraping has to be with scrutiny.
Making Use Of Phosphate Adsorption Resin
Algae live basically on phosphate and silicates. They feed on these chemically composed nutrient-filled particles. Making use of the phosphate adsorption resin pellet eliminates the silicate and phosphate in the tank, causing the brown algae to die of starvation.
How Do Brown Algae Get Into The Tank
You might be expecting that these brown algae get into the tank through the fish, the fish feed, the plants, or other things that you put into the receptacle, including decorations. No! They aren’t the primary cause of brown algae in fish tanks.
Algae, whatever the type it is, it has always been in the water waiting for the nutrient and facilities to grow. The chemicals in the fish food and the fish excretory waste are what sponsor the growth of the algae in the water.
Every type of water except treated ones contains microorganisms. This microorganism might not be noticed at their early stage because they are minute. They are not very visible to the naked eyes. Chemicals that are used in the treatment of water can cause their death.
Nevertheless, the addition of chlorine is not enough to get rid of algae. This is why algae are always present in the tank. Since their growth is dependent on the fish, they will always be present in the tank. Their existence cannot be wholly absent.
The best thing aquarists can do is to prevent and mitigate their growth by making the tank conditions unfavorable for them. Brown algae often thrive when the nitrate level in the tank is high when there is a high level of silicon, extremely high or low lighting, as well as the accumulation of organic waste.
Once these factors are under due check, you can be sure that brown algae will not have sufficient nutrient and favorable conditions to thrive. Due to the nature of brown algae growth, it is better to prevent their growth than getting rid of it.
As it is evident that the existence of algae cannot be absent, but you must reduce the spread and growth. This is possible through the use of animals that feed on them. Their growth can also be at a minimal level by keeping clean filters and tanks.
Algae can only thrive in water that contains silicates and phosphates. So keeping your tank clean would reduce their growth. The use of phosphate adsorption resin pellets is also a great way to tackle these microorganisms.
This pellet helps to eliminate phosphates and silicates in the water, thereby making the algae go without food. Reducing the nitrate level is also the right approach to curbing the growth of these algae.
Make sure you follow all these steps so you can have reasons to appreciate this article. Make your pet fish stay safe and healthy.
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