How Long Does Water Need to Sit to Dechlorinate

Do you have excess chlorine in your water? Do you need to dechlorinate the water? Do you know how long it will take to dechlorinate your water? This article gives you the needed details about how to dechlorinate water.

To dechlorinate your water, you will need to let it sit for a minimum of 24 hours. It can even take up to 5 to 6 days to completely evaporate all the chlorine from the water. The rate at which dechlorination occurs varies according to the water volume and concentration of water.

Can You Dechlorinate Water by Letting it Sit?

One of the effective ways of dechlorinating water is by letting it sit. Although this method is time-consuming, it is one of the safest ways to dechlorinate water. It is also the best way to dechlorinate a large water volume without heat.

To dechlorinate water by letting it sit, you will have to leave the water exposed to UV. Exposing the water to UV will cause the chlorine to evaporate naturally. It is very easy, but it will take at least 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate.

You can also speed up the water reaction by raising the water’s temperature a little. Increasing the temperature will allow more water reaction, causing it to lose its chlorine to the atmosphere. Dechlorinating water by letting it sit is best when it is of large volume.

How Long Does it Take Tap Water to be Safe for Fish?

Dechlorinating tap water and making it safe cannot take anything less than 24hours. It can take up to about 5 to 6 days for the chlorine to completely evaporate and make the water safe. You have to ensure your tap water is safe for your fish before providing it to them.

There are several ways you can keep the tap water safe for your fish. You can sit the water to eradicate the chlorine and make it safe. You can add chemicals and additives that make water safe for use.

While using these additives and chemicals to make your water safe, you have to be sure these chemicals are not harmful to your fish. If the tap water is not safe, it will affect your fish’s health. You have to make sure the tap water is safe and suitable for your fish.

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How Long Do You Let Water Sit Before Putting Fish?

Sitting water before putting your fish will take as long as the water becomes safe. Sitting water to make it safe for your fish will take at least 24 hours. In some cases, it will take about 5 to 6 days for the water to become safe for your fish.

The time it takes for water to sit depends on the volume of water and how concentrated the chlorine is. Sitting will take longer when the water’s chlorine concentration is high and lesser when the concentration is low. You have to make sure the water is safe for your fish before putting it in the water.

Sitting your water can also occur at a faster rate if you slightly increase the temperature of the water. Increasing the water temperature will allow the water to react quickly to the environment. It will cause the water to lose its chlorine to the environment.

How Do I Dechlorinate Tap Water?

There are several ways you can dechlorinate tap water. One of the most common ways to dechlorinate water is to sit the water. Sitting in the water is usually suitable for a large volume of water.

Another way you can dechlorinate your water is by using de-chlorinators. These de-chlorinators will 100 percent eliminate the chlorine in your tap water. You only need to add the dechlorinator to the water to keep your water safe.

You can also use a water conditioner to keep control of the chlorine in the water. You will be able to remove every chlorine in the water. The conditioner will do the same perfect job as the dechlorinator in keeping tap water safe.

The use of a dechlorinator and water conditioner is faster than leaving the water to sit all day. You can also use vitamin C to get rid of chlorine and chloramine in the tap water. Vitamin C can also decrease the pH of tap water, so you have to make sure you are cautious when using this method.

Another effective way of removing chlorine and chloramine from tap water is by using a carbon filter. The filter uses activated carbon to remove chlorine, organic compounds, and other chemicals from the water. You also have to check the water’s pH after using the filter to make sure the water is safe.

Ascorbic acid will also do a good job eliminating chlorine from tap water. It is one of the easiest and most economical ways of removing chlorine from water. It is a highly effective dechlorination method that requires only a tablespoon of acid per gallon of water.

Does Aerating Water Remove Chlorine?

Aeration is essential in water to keep the water’s constant flow. Aeration does not only ensure the water is full of air but also aids the removal of chlorine. Constantly aerating your tank means you will have little or nothing to do with chlorine and other chemical substances.

Their different instruments you cause to aerate the water. One of the most common instruments or devices used in aerating water is the water filter. The water filter does a great job in keeping the water aerated.

The water pump is also a great choice for aerating your water. You can also make use of fountains to keep your pond aerated. Another effective device for aerating your water is the diffused-bubble aerator.

These water devices will keep the tank aerated and aid the removal of chlorine from the water. Keeping your water aerated is good for dechlorination and the safe health of your fish.


Dechlorination will continue to occur as long as chlorine is still in the water. It will take a minimum of 24 hours for dechlorination to occur. It can also take about 4 to 5 for the complete removal of chlorine from the water.

John Brandon

John has kept fish all his life (since he was about 5). He started with keeping guppies and fell in love with fish keeping almost straight away. That was 40 odd years ago. These days John still keeps fish and currently has two large tanks where he keeps many different types of fish such as Angelfish, Neon Tetras, Goldfish, Guppies and many more.
