Does Aquarium Moss Need Sunlight To Grow? {Benefits and Grow Tips}

What will moss do for your tank? Does aquarium moss need sunlight to grow?

Can fish tanks be in direct sunlight?

All these questions and more will be explained through this helpful article on aquarium moss.

Does Aquarium Moss Need Sunlight To Grow?

No. Growing mosses in the aquarium do not require special care and they can add a beautiful natural look to your aquarium.

  1. Mosses do not necessarily need direct sunlight to grow.
  2. They can boom and grow well in both low and high light intensity.
  3. They don’t even require a bright tank illumination for successful growth.
  4. The use of a simple bidirectional light can however help the moss to come out nice, healthy and green.

Does Aquarium Moss Need Sunlight To Grow

Benefits Of Using Moss In A Tank

Mosses are very easy to grow and cultivate in aquarium tanks, making it easy for both experienced tank owners and beginners.

Growing mosses in aquarium tanks also come with a lot of benefits and that is why it is largely included in many aquariums.

The benefits of having mosses in your tanks include:

  • Mosses are suitable for tanks of any size and volume.
  • They are capable of helping your tank look natural and imitate the natural home of your fishes.
  • They provide protection and covers for young fishes.
  • Mosses also provide an ideal place for fish spawning.
  • They serve as a near-perfect shelter for shrimps and their offspring
  • It is possible to move them together with the substrate because they don’t have roots.
  • They are easy to grow, and they can easily adapt to varying tank conditions when compared to other aquarium plants.
  • Aquatic mosses are effective nitrate removers.
  • They can also contribute to the improvement of water quality.

Aside from giving your aquarium a natural look, it also helps your fishes have a feel of their natural environment. Mosses can easily adapt to varying tank parameters and water conditions.

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Keeping Moss in Aquarium Tanks

Most of the known aquarium mosses are very undemanding and easy to grow. The cultivation, growth, and maintenance of mosses in aquarium tanks is quite easy and they can change their appearance depending on the tank conditions.

You should:

  • attach aquarium moss to a substrate to help them grow better
  • reduce the effect of environmental disturbance.

The substrates can include:

  • stones
  • various decorations
  • coconut shells
  • snags

It is not always advisable to keep very active herbivores and bottom digging fish in a tank that has moss.

The optimum temperature for moss growth is about 25oC [77OF]. The growth of mosses is not often favored by high temperatures and can kill the moss if it’s too extreme.

On the other hand, aquarium mosses are not very sensitive to water hardness and light intensity.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does Java Moss Need Light?

No. Java moss does not require a lot of light to grow. It will thrive in low-light environments, just like Java fern or anubias. More light equals faster growth, but it also makes it easier for algae to flourish.

2. Should Fish Tanks Be in Sunlight?

No. Direct sunlight should be avoided in the aquarium because it can warm the water and create rapid algae growth. Natural light that has been diffused and filtered can be utilised. Fluorescent tubes can be used in practically all aquariums to provide artificial light.

3. Can Moss Grow Without Sunlight?

They do not require light in order to grow. You also don’t have to water them like a plant. You may keep a moss wall inside in the dark for a week as long as there is sufficient humidity in the air.

4. How to Grow Moss in Aquarium

Some mosses will grow in a wide variety of temperatures with no obvious harm to themselves. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for moss to fully develop when you attach it to your tank and secure it.

Java moss for example, can grow 2-3mm each day if properly trimmed. Every 1-3 days, this species reproduces. A three-inch patch plant, for example, can double in size in one month.

5. Moss Light Requirements

Inside your home, moss requires roughly two hours of sunshine per day or artificial lighting substitutes like LED or fluorescent light.

The morning light is ideal. One approach to ensure this is to expose the container to direct sunlight for a few hours. Then, for the rest of the day, relocate it to a location with plenty of light but no direct sunlight.


Growing mosses in aquariums are quite easy and it comes with a lot of benefits. Mosses also have the advantage of growing and adapting to a wide range of water conditions and water parameters.

Having mosses in your tanks can also help you fishes have a feel of their natural habitat. It is however important to understand the optimum way of keeping mosses in a tank for you to obtain effective and desired results.


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