Are you wondering if fish can drown despite being their natural habitat? Do you notice your fish going down in the tank, and you wonder if they are drowning? Read on to find out if fish can drown despite being one of the most popular aquarium animals.
Of course, it is safe to say fish can “drown” in water, for lack of a better word. Technically, fish don’t drown, but they can suffocate when they don’t get enough oxygen. It can be due to damaged gills or poor oxygenation in the tank.
Fish breathe by absorbing the oxygen in the water that flows across their gills. But they won’t be able to absorb the oxygen if the gills are damaged. Consequently, the fish will suffocate or die due to a lack of oxygen.
Can A Fish Drown If They Stop Swimming?
Fish can stop swimming for many reasons. But it doesn’t mean they will drown as a result. Fish will breathe perfectly, either in motion or resting, as long as there are no complications.
Fish will not drown if they stop swimming. They will only drown if their gills stop functioning perfectly or when their ability to take up oxygen is compromised. Also, well-oxygenated water is essential for a fish to breathe appropriately and prevent them from suffocating.
However, it is essential to note that some fish species rely on swimming to get water to move across their gills. So, if they stop swimming, get trapped, or are dragged backward, they might drown due to insufficient oxygen.
Can A Fish Suffocate in Water?
Many people often use suffocating and drowning interchangeably. Although they appear to be the same, their effects are different. Suffocating means the fish is not getting enough oxygen either due to damaged gills or low oxygen levels in the water. Drowning, on the other hand, means inhaling water.
Fish can suffocate in water when they cannot get as much oxygen as they require to survive. The lack of enough oxygen can be a result of the low water quality of your tank. It can also be a problem with your fish’s gill.
However, eliminating the worry of fish suffocating is relatively easy. All you need to do is ensure that your tank water is adequately filtered and oxygenated.
You can achieve this quality by getting a suitable aquarium filter and offering ideal tank conditions. Also, mitigating overcrowding in the fish tank and introducing appropriate plants are other ways to ensure that the oxygen is optimal.
If you are sure of the tank quality, then suffocating might be from the fish. Check their gills, mouth, and other body parts for possible damage. In case of any, take drastic steps to fix it as soon as possible.

Can You Revive a Fish That Has Drown or Suffocated?
Should you give up on your fish once you discover that it has drowned or suffocated? Well, if you care enough about your fish, you won’t be willing to let it die so easily.
It is possible to revive a fish that has drown or suffocated as long as it is not dead. Start by confirming that your fish still has life in it, then follow a series of steps to help it recover.
STEP 1: Examine the Fish for Any Sign of Life
Observe your fish closely to ensure that it is not dead. The slightest sign of life might mean a big sign of hope for reviving the fish. Some of the symptoms of a dead fish include dry skin, grey pupils, missing body parts, lack of movement, and inward bulging of the fish’s eye.
STEP 2: Help the Fish to Get Enough Oxygen
The primary reason your fish will drown or suffocate in the first place is the lack of oxygen. So, you can revive them by reversing this action. First off, find out the reason for the oxygen shortage.
If the problem is with your tank or water quality, immediately get the fish into a tank with the right conditions. You can consider adding oxygenated water or get oxygen into the tank by other means.
STEP 3: Stimulate A Comeback
Help your fish to get enough oxygen by working around the gills with a careful and patient hand. Open the gill coverings on either side to check the redness of the gills. If it appears red enough, continue the airflow stimulation by giving the fish’s underbelly a gentle massage. Your fish should gradually come back to life.
Once you notice more activeness in the fish, you can return it to the tank and let it recuperate gradually.
How Long Does It Take a Fish to Drown?
A fish does not take long to drown or suffocate, especially if they are completely starved of oxygen. A fish can drown within 5 to 10 minutes of no oxygen. Some species of fish can survive more, and the time range is dependent on certain factors.
Some determining factors include underlying health conditions, cause of suffocation, water quality, and tank conditions.
Will A Fish Drown in Milk?
The physiology of fish is designed to survive in water. Although milk has water constituents, it does not contain enough oxygen to support a fish’s survival. So, a fish drowning in milk is just a matter of time, and it will happen eventually.
Can Sharks Drown?
Sharks can drown, especially when they stop swimming. One of the primary reasons behind the generalization is that all fish will drown when they stop swimming. The primary reason why sharks will drown is due to a lack of oxygen.
Sharks need to force water across their gills to get sufficient oxygen. They often achieve this when they swim and push water across their gill surface.
On few occasions, sharks can also use “buccal pumping” to force water past their gills. However, not all sharks are capable of using this technique.
Even though fish do not drown in the literal sense, they express something similar. Fish will drown or suffocate due to insufficient oxygen or damaged gills. Nevertheless, you can revive a drowned or suffocated fish if you are lucky enough to detect it before it dies.
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