Why Does My Puffer Fish Swim Up and Down? {Is It Sick?}

Is your puffer fish swimming up and down in your tank? Are you worried about possible illnesses that are causing this strange swimming behavior? In this article, we’ll examine why puffer fish swim and down in aquarium tanks.

Why Does My Puffer Fish Swim Up and Down? Puffer fish display feelings with color changes or swimming behaviors. Up and down swimming usually indicates boredom or stress. They may not have acclimated well to the tank size, water conditions, or tankmates. 

Up and down swimming is sometimes referred to as “glass surfing” or pacing. Let’s observe your puffer fish closer and see what’s happening in their environment to make them want to do this.

Is My Puffer Fish Swimming Up And Down Because Of Stress?

Your puffer fish arrives stressed. The movement from the wild or the local fish store into your aquarium is daunting and stressful. If they do not adjust well to your tank, they will continue to show stress through many signs.

  • Lack of appetite
  • Sluggish
  • Hiding
  • Faded color
  • Swimming up and down

The final symptom on this list is the one we will examine closer. Your puffer fish is most likely stressed. Boredom is also closely related. Let’s dive deeper.

Is My Tank Too Small For My Puffer Fish?

  • 20-30 gallons = small sized puffer fish
  • 100+ gallons = large puffer fish

Your puffer fish could be swimming up and down because it’s stressed out from a small tank. A small sized puffer fish may be comfortable in 20-30 gallons of water, but not all puffer fish are the same.

Larger sized puffer fish will require a tank that holds 100 gallons or more water. Puffer fish are active swimmers and they want the space to remain curious and engaged.

Any animal in a confined space will want to get out. Swimming up and down for a puffer fish shows that they are looking for a way out or trying to find a way to increase their space. Sadly, there is no other way but to swim back down and up again.

Should I Be Concerned About My Puffer Fish “Glass Surfing”?

Your puffer fish may end up swimming up and down near the glass as a sign of joy and excitement when they see you. Puffer fish can be friendly and will respond happily when they see the person who feeds them delicious meals.

When you enter the room, your puffer fish may catch your reflection and start swimming up and down. This type of “glass surfing” is more than fine. It they don’t stop after you’ve settled down in the room for a while, then look at it as a possible sign of boredom or stress.

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Are My Water Conditions Causing My Puffer Fish To Swim Up and Down?

Poor water parameters will definitely stress out your puffer fish. Waste builds up and creates more ammonia and nitrites. Tanks must be properly cycled before we add puffer fish. Perform frequent water changes as well and vacuum the gravel to remove any debris, leftover food or waste in the substrate.

Test your water with a water testing kit weekly or every two days. You can even bring a sample of your aquarium water to your local fish store and ask them to test it as well.

  • Cycle prior to adding puffer fish
  • Frequent water changes
  • Vacuum the gravel
  • Use a water testing kit

Is Overcrowding Causing Puffer Fish To Swim Up and Down?

Puffer fish don’t usually require other fish for company. They are just fine on their own. Adding other fish will increase the likelihood of puffer fish wanting to get out of the tank. Swimming up and down is their way of saying that they don’t like it here anymore.

More fish increase the waste with decaying food and debris fouling the tank. Fish may get ill after they are stressed in a foul tank. Cramming the space will make your puffer fish feel stuck and pacing may result.

Is My Puffer Fish Trying To Swim Away From Tankmates?

Your puffer fish doesn’t want to share the tank with tankmates. They may respond with fight or flight reactions that could look like they’re trying to get out of the tank by looking for a way out above them or a hole below to escape.

Fast and small fish like danios or tetras may survive and give the puffer fish plenty of space. They scurry off to the other side of the tank when the puffer fish gets near. Choose the right tankmates or choose none.

Is My Puffer Fish Bored?

Your puffer fish may show signs of boredom by swimming up and down or acting lethargic. Consider adding:

  • decorations
  • plants
  • caves
  • driftwood
  • plastic items
  • PVC pipes

Your puffer fish may enjoy you more than you think. Interact with your puffer fish by staying in front of the tank and adding in smaller bits of food for prolonged feedings. This may help cure their boredom and put a stop to swimming up and down for a while.


It’s normal for puffer fish to swim up and down when they are stressed, bored or excited. They may want out of a small tank or a shared tank. They might be happy to see you or stressed with the water conditions.

Observe and notice if this behavior continues all day long or weeks on end. Consider a larger tank, removing tankmates and frequent water changes.

Brian Arial

Brian Arial has kept fish for leisure and worked with fish stores for most of his life. He enjoys writing and caring for aquariums and ponds.
