How Often To Feed White Cloud Minnow

White cloud minnows are a relatively new species of fish discovered in the waters of china in 1932. They are freshwater minnows that come from the Cyprinidae family. It is also known as canton minnow or cardinalfish.

How Often To Feed White Cloud Minnow? White cloud minnow need to be fed 2 to 3 times a day, they usually consume a lot of food. You can feed them with fruits and vegetables. This food is not all they eat, but it makes up the giant component of their diet.

How Often To Feed White Cloud Minnow

General Description Of White Cloud Minnow

White cloud minnows are peculiar fishes with peculiar features. Here are some highlights;

  • Size: White cloud minnows are small fishes that grow to a maximum length of 1.5 inches. A white cloud winnow has a slim, streamlined body with a dart-like shape with a pointed snout. They have triangular ventral and dorsal fins that face backward.
  • Colour: They are silver in color with green scales. The scales have iridescent black and pink stripes just by their lateral line. The tip of their caudal fins and snouts appears red. Their ventral and dorsal fins are red with white tips.
  • Lifespan: They can live for 5 to 7 years under different conditions. They can live long both in the wild and under captivity. It is a hardy type of fish, and it is effortless to keep for first-timers.
  • Behavior: They are a very peaceful type of fish. The only time they get a little bit aggressive is during their mating season. During mating, they compete for mating partners but do not hurt each other. They are very cooperative, and they swim in schools. They like to move in schools because they are timid. The larger the number of fishes in the school, the less frightened they become.

They like to show off their beautiful colors at a certain level of the tank. They don’t hide as long as they are among other fishes in the school. Also, they like to have rocks and plants to provide extra shelter.

What To Feed White Cloud Minnow

White cloud minnows are omnivorous fishes. In the wild and ponds, they feed on plants and flesh, whichever comes their way. They feed on several seagrasses and also on insects’ larvae. They so much enjoy feeding on shrimps and mosquitoes.

At times, they cast their look and desire away from pure vegetation like seagrasses and weed for more filling and nutritious food like fruits and nuts. They are known to feed on the carcass of dead aquatic creatures they come across.

In aquariums, you should feed white cloud minnows in a way likened to how they feed in the wild and the ponds. They should be fed plants like seagrasses and weeds. They should also be fed fruits and nuts.

At times, they should be fed shrimps, insect larvae, mosquitoes, and other aquatic creatures. You can also feed them with dead marine animals. You can also feed them the conventional food that other fish eat like flakes, pellets, etc.

Water Conditions For White Cloud Minnow

White cloud minnows are very fragile fish that wouldn’t want to move away from comfort to discomfort. Maintaining the temperature of the water is one of the essential things to consider.

The water should be around 64°F and 72°F. This temperature should be maintained. Fluctuations below these temperatures are tolerated, but it shouldn’t exceed 80°F. It is hazardous to the health of the minnows.

The pH of the water should also be kept in check. The pH shows how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The water should neither be too acidic nor too alkaline. The pH should be from 6.0 to 8.0, which means it can be slightly acidic, neutral, or slightly alkaline.

You should have it in mind that you should not exceed the pH range. You can aim to have a more neutral pH, like 6.8 to 7.5.

The water should always be clean. You should change the water whenever the water becomes cloudy or dirty.

Tank Conditions For White Cloud Minnow

Minnows need ample space to thrive. Minnows are free swimmers. They love swimming, and to do that, they require ample space. The tank should be at least 10 gallons large, which is suitable for a white cloud mountain minnow. If you have five cloud minnows, then a 10 gallon aquarium is the exact size you need.

The tanks set up should be likened to their environment in the wild. It will enable them to be free and enjoy their stay in captivity. The tank should have a temperate stream biotope set up with plants, rocks, and other features.

You can add varieties of plants to the tank to make it look decorative. Plants you can add to the tank include; hornwort, water sprite, and dwarf Rotala.

The minnows are peaceful fishes, so they do require still water. There shouldn’t be a source of disturbance in their tank. An incompatible tank mate should not be included; hence, you should allow tank mates that are compatible with the minnows.

Tank mates that are compatible with minnows include; gold, rosy and cherry barbs, horse face and dojo loaches, paradise fish, and gouramis like the dwarf gourami also peaceful and will be suitable as a tank mate.

Corydoras catfish and zebra danios are also suitable to be tank mates. You could also add harlequin rasboras. It will be advisable to add a school because they are schooling fishes.

Shrimps and snails can also make a good tank mate because minnows do not harass invertebrates. You should avoid adding aggressive loaches and barbs (clown loach and tiger barbs). You should also avoid adding cichlids to the tank.


White cloud minnows have a high appetite when it comes to eating. They love to eat, so you shouldn’t starve them. You should ensure to feed them 2 to 3 times a day.

Aside from feeding them regularly, you should also maintain hygiene. You should keep the water clean. It would be of help if you also kept the tank clean. Remove unwanted rocks and plants and always keep the tank beautiful.

It would be of great help if the tank is kept natural. The aquarium should be likened to its natural habitat. It should include certain rocks and plants.



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