The Arowana fish is a large freshwater fish with different species possessing unique features. The Arowanas are bony fish covered in large and heavy scales with a pattern of canals. They are very powerful swimmers and can be fairly aggressive at times
Arowanas are omnivorous fishes, i.e., they can feed on both animals and plants. This feature allows them to feed on various foods ranging from pellets, flakes, insects, live or frozen foods, vegetables, and lots more. You should ensure they feed on a balanced diet and avoid harmful foods.
Food to Feed Arowanas and Their Benefits
You should know the benefit of some foods you feed your Arowana to know how frequently you should give them. Here are some foods to feed your Arowanas with their beneficial advantages.
- Pellets: Pellet is a suitable food to feed your Arowana. Pellet food floats on the surface of the water for a while before sinking when soaked with water. This feature of pellets makes it a suitable food for your Arowana because Arowanas are surface feeders. Pellets can be highly or moderately high in protein and fats. Feeding your Arowana with food rich in protein is good, but you will have to shuffle between it and other foods.
- Flakes: Flakes are rich in fiber and low on carbs. They provide nutrients to the fish, and most fishes, especially bottom feeders, feed on flakes. You should know that most adult Arowanas don’t like flakes; they’d spit it out if you fed them with flakes. Flakes are suitable foods for juvenile Arowanas. You can only feed flakes to your juvenile Arowana while you look for a supplement for your adult Arowanas.
- Live or frozen foods: Every carnivorous or omnivorous fish loves the taste of fresh kill or frozen flesh. Most Arowanas will pick live food over pellets and other forms of food. Live foods are highly rich in protein and always boost the growth and hunting skills of your Arowana.
- Insects and crustaceans: In the wild, Arowanas jump out of the water to catch insects outside the water; it shows how much they like insects. They also love to feed on small crustaceans. These foods are highly nutritious and rich in protein and fats.
- Vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are highly rich in protein and minerals. Do not hesitate to feed them to your Arowanas.

Common Health Issues of Arowana Fish
There are common health issues that affect Arowanas. These health issues are usually because of a defect in their essential needs, like feeding them with inadequate food. Poor water quality can also pose risks to the health of these fishes. Here are some common health issues of Arowanas;
- Fin rot: This disease is a very common health issue of Arowana fish. You will notice your fish starts to have disintegrated or frayed fins. You will also notice the base of the fins to redden unusually. Also, you should improve the quality of water and change it frequently to get rid of the disease. You can also visit a veterinarian for treatment.
- Fungus: Fungus is one of the health issues of Arowanas. A noticeable symptom includes the discoloration of the eyes. You will also notice white cottony growth on the Arowana. Whenever you notice these symptoms, you should quarantine the fish to not infect the other fishes. You can get an antifungal remedy and administer it as directed. You should also ensure to keep clean water and change regularly.
- Bacterial infections: Arowanas also contract bacterial infections through the food they eat, water, or other infected fish in the same tank. When they contract the bacterial infection, you will notice they start having cloudy eyes, reddening the skin, and sores’ opening. Whenever you notice this, you should make use of antibacterial remedies and also keep clean water in the tank. Ensure to change the water regularly also.
- Ich: When spots start appearing on the skin of your fish, swim awkwardly, when they rub their skin against objects, or when they respire rapidly, then your fish is likely to have ich. You should quarantine the fish as soon as you notice this and apply any ich remedy.
Water and Tank Conditions for Arowanas
Most diseases that affect Arowanas are mostly a result of inadequate water conditions or quality. You should always ensure to provide good water and tank conditions for your Arowanas. Here are some factors to consider when setting up your tank;
- The water’s hardness: You should consider the hardness of the water you want to put in your Arowana. Arowanas prefer soft waters, so you shouldn’t prepare anything other than that. At the most, moderately hard water will do, but you should aim at getting soft water before settling for moderately hard water.
- pH: The pH shows the level of acidity or alkalinity of the water. You should prepare the water to have the exact level of acidity or alkalinity that suits your Arowana. If the pH doesn’t suit the Arowana, it might harm the fish, so you should ensure that the pH suits your fish. The pH value of the water should range from 6.5 to 7.5. This pH range denotes that a slightly acidic, neutral, or slightly alkaline water is suitable for the Arowana.
- The temperature of water: The temperature of the water is also a vital factor to consider. You should make sure that the water temperature is the perfect temperature for your Arowana; you wouldn’t want to cook or freeze your Arowana. The temperature for your Arowana should be around 75°F to 82°F. Any temperature beyond this value can affect the health of your fish. You can make use of a thermometer to measure and keep track of the water’s temperature.
Arowanas are omnivorous fish, so they might feed on most things they come across. You should help them regulate and balance the food they eat by rationing the food you give.
Besides feeding them a balanced diet, you should also make sure that you are not feeding them infected food. The Arowanas can contract infections from the food they eat, especially if the food is not hygienic.
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