Are Arowana Fish Aggressive {Find Out Here}

The Arowana fish is a large type of freshwater fish with several features that interests aquarists. They are predator fish that will prey on smaller fishes at every chance they get. Their large size also allows them to prey on fishes easily.

Are Arowana Fish Aggressive? Arowana fish can be fairly aggressive. They are predator fishes with large size and powerful swimming ability. Arowanas are also territorial fishes with different species having their level of aggression

Are Arowana Fish Aggressive

Types of Arowana Fish

There are different types of Arowanas with various features. Different kinds of Arowanas have their level of aggression, physical appearance, and other unique factors. Here are some kinds of Arowana fish with their characteristics;

  • Silver Arowana: The silver Arowana fish is the largest type of Arowana fish, growing up to three and a half feet. Regardless of its large size, the silver Arowana is the most docile type of Arowana. It has a metallic silver color with long anal and dorsal fins. The silver Arowana is cheap and it is the most common Arowana you can get.
  • Australian Arowana: The Australian Arowana is native to South Central New Guinea and Australia. The Australian Arowana is one of the types of Arowana fish that comes from this region. The fish has copper scales with pink edges. At times, these pink edges appear as pink spots on their fin. The Australian Arowana can grow into 3 feet in length. The Australian Arowanas are very aggressive with fierce temperament. They do not tolerate other fishes in their tank. Although some aquarists manage to put them in a community tank, they tend to go against this will when they become 12 to 14 inches in size.
  • Black Arowana: The black Arowanas are similar in shape and size to the silver Arowanas, especially during their juvenile stage. The black Arowana’s distinct characteristics are the presence of a black band that runs through the fish’s length. This black band slowly disappears into a slight tint of purple as they mature and increase in size. This coloration is most prominent towards the anal fins.

There are also other types of Arowana fish, which include; green Arowanas, Saratoga, red tail golden Arowana, yellowtail Arowana, Red Arowana, and lots more.

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Common Suitable Tankmates for Arowana Fish

Some Arowanas do not allow tankmates, while some enable tankmates. Depending on the type of Arowana fish you have, you should know the suitable tank mate for your Arowana before adding it to the tank.

Here are common suitable tankmates for your Arowana fish. You should note that these tankmates are not ideal for all the types of Arowana, but they are common tankmates suitable for different Arowanas.

  • Freshwater stingray: Stingrays are large fishes requiring a large tank of about 130 gallons at their adult stage. This stingray has a defensive weapon at their tail, which makes Arowanas back off from them. Stingrays are also bottom dwellers, while Arowanas prefer to be at the mid-level to the top.
  • Clown loaches: Clown loaches are suitable tankmates for Arowanas because they do not cross paths with Arowanas. Clown loaches are bottom dwellers, while Arowanas do not always find their way to the tank’s bottom. Also, clown loaches are schooling fish, so you should put about four of them in the tank to encourage their schooling abilities. Create hiding spaces for them in case the Arowana fish goes out of hand. Clown loaches are colorful fishes that can grace a tank.
  • Tiger Datnoid: Like Arowanas, tiger Datnoid is an impressive predator fish that stalks crustaceans and small fishes. They can grow into 18 inches in length in captivity. Arowanas and Datnoids are compatible tank mates and will thrive under the same or similar conditions.
  • Pacu fish: Pacu fishes are suitable tankmates for Arowanas. The pacus are relatives of piranha and tetras. Pacus end up being solitary adults while they start their juvenile stage as a schooling fish.

There are other suitable tankmates for Arowanas like silver dollar fish, flying fox fish, green terror cichlid, etc.

Water and Tank Conditions for Arowana Fish

There are factors you should consider when setting up your tank for your Arowanas. These factors include; temperature, pH, hardness, tank size, filters, etc.

  • Temperature: The temperature of the water should be suitable for your Arowana. You should provide adequate temperature by heating the water when it becomes too cold and cooling the water when it becomes too hot. You can also make use of a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the water. The ideal temperature for the water ranges from 75°F to 82°F. You should maintain this temperature to keep your Arowanas healthy and safe.
  • pH: pH describes the level of acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The rate of acidity or alkalinity of the water should suit the Arowana to ensure the fish’s healthiness. If the water’s acidity or alkalinity doesn’t fit the fish, it might affect its health or even lead to its death. Arowanas prefer slightly acidic water. The water’s pH value for your Arowana should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with an absolute value of 6.5.
  • Hardness: Arowanas prefer soft waters to hard waters. You should make sure the water for your Arowana is soft. If the water in the tank is hard, you can soften the water using a water softener or demineralize the water.
  • Size of the tank: Arowanas outgrow their tank quickly, so you should be ready to provide them with a large tank. If you keep your Arowana in a confined space, they might start to have lifespan and body deformation problems. Get a 250-gallon tank for the Arowana. The tank will accommodate your Arowana from its juvenile stage till it matures.


Arowanas are aggressive and territorial towards other fishes in the same tank. To reduce or avoid this aggressive behavior, you should add only a compatible tank mate to the Arowana’s tank. Different Arowanas have different aggressiveness levels, so you should know how to manage your Arowana’s aggression because an angry fish is a dead fish, and you wouldn’t want that for your fish.




Hello, I'm Jason. I'm the guy behind I volunteer at my local fish shop and I created this site to offer tips and advice on the fish I care for.
