Are you wondering if your female Dwarf Gourami is pregnant? Is this possible and how can you tell? In this article, we’ll find out if your dwarf gourami is pregnant.
Is My Dwarf Gourami Pregnant? Dwarf Gourami females don’t get pregnant. Their bellies fill up and become more rounded when they are gravid with eggs. The eggs will spawn and become fertilized in bubble nests.
How Can I Tell If A Dwarf Gourami is Pregnant?
The female will show signs of being gravid with eggs in her belly. Look for the following signs:
- Swelling in the belly
- Expanded in one area underneath the front of her belly
- Imagine a swallowed marble
- Stretched scales
- Pale in color
Swelling is the first giveaway that eggs are present in her belly. They are usually isolated in one spot that tends to be more toward the front of her belly.
Think of what it would like if she swallowed a marble. This is usually the way it looks when a dwarf gourami is gravid with eggs. Her scales may also stretch slightly and look more pale.
How Can I If My Dwarf Gouramis Are Mating?
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you actually have a breeding pair of dwarf gourami fish. Look for the female and male to be swimming close together. The male may start dancing closely beside her at first.
Check to see if their bodies are touching. This is the first sign that mating is taking place. Once this occurs, look for the male to build a bubble nest while the female’s belly starts to expand. Her scales might also get stretched and you may notice her becoming more pale in color.
Why Do Dwarf Gouramis Build Bubble Nests?
The male dwarf gourami usually starts to build the bubble nest after he has mated with the female. Since dwarf gourami fish like to swim at the top level of the tank, the bubble nest floats and holds the eggs. This is where the embryos will develop.
These bubbles resemble a bumpy mat that is floating tightly at the top of your tank. Do not disturb this process unless you are not interested in breeding dwarf gourami fish.
What Does A Pregnant Dwarf Gourami Look Like?
A female dwarf gourami looks like she swallowed a marble or even a golf ball. She gets more rounded when she is gravid with eggs. She is not pregnant in the traditional sense. These eggs will come out very soon!
The male look more colorful and vibrant to present himself as a suitable mate. The female gets more pale when she is gravid. These are the telltale signs to show that mating and spawning are around the corner. The next step is the bubble nest and it’s off to the races for these eggs to hatch!

How Long Does It Take For A Dwarf Gourami To Lay Eggs?
A female dwarf gourami will not remain pregnant for very long. This is why we say she is gravid with eggs instead of saying that she is pregnant. She will need a day or two to spawn the eggs.
In about 1-2 days time you may notice the eggs hatching. This usually takes place in a floating bubble best at the top of your tank. If you notice these bubbles, try not to disturb them because the embryos are developing within.
How Many Babies Do Dwarf Gouramis Have?
A dwarf gourami can lay anywhere to 300-800 eggs at any given time. Not all the eggs will be fertilized and even fewer will hatch.
The eggs must be attached and secured to the floating nest of bubbles that the male dwarf gourami creates. This process of spawning could be over in 2-4 hours. The eggs should hatch in 1-2 days.
How Do You Breed A Dwarf Gouramis?
There are some ways to help dwarf gouramis breed in your tank. You can lower the water level slightly to make it easier for the male to build a bubble nest. Also raise the temperature slightly to 82°F to help trigger the spawning.
The bubble nest could be created faster when there is more plant matter for the male to gobble up and use to help bind the bubbles together. The eggs must attach to this nest for the embryos to develop.
Are Dwarf Gourami Easy To Breed?
A dwarf gourami is docile and social. It can live peacefully in a community tank for 4-6 years. The male and female could bond and breed when suitable conditions are met.
There shouldn’t be too many males trying to fight to the chance to mate with a female. If you keep only males or only females, you will not have any breeding taking place.
You can help the breeding process by slightly raising the temperature to promote spawning. The male and female will swim close together and slightly touch.
Dwarf gouramis breed often and easier in our opinion compared to many tropical freshwater fish. This is possible because they are not very aggressive and highly social.
Is My Dwarf Gourami Pregnant or Bloated?
Sometimes we think our dwarf gourami fish are pregnant or gravid with eggs, but we can be mistaken. Other times, it could simply be bloating. In both cases, the females could become pale in color so this is a difficult way to telling the two situations apart.
Bloating will create more swelling all around the belly of the female dwarf gourami. Pregnancy or a period of being gravid with eggs is more localized in the front area of the belly and looks more like a protruding marble or golf ball that is swallowed.
If your dwarf gourami is bloated, you will notice sluggish behavior and a lack of appetite. Add peas or frozen daphnia to help pass the waste out and hopefully the bloating will subside.
Thanks for stopping by at and we hope you are enjoying the process of caring for your dwarf gourami fish. If you have other fish in your tank, check out more of our articles that focus on them. See you again soon!
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