Have you ever tried putting together a Molly and Discus? Can you keep mollies with discus?
Do you think they will get along? Who will be the aggressor if there is hostility?
In this article, I will be providing you with vital information about both the Molly and Discus fish and if they are compatible together.
Can You Keep Mollies With Discus?
Yes. Mollies and discus make good tank mates as they are both peaceful fish that share similar water conditions. You’ll need to supply a sizable tank as well as several hiding spots.
Despite this, there’s still a chance that your mollies and discus will clash violently. The fish should be separated as quickly as you can if this occurs.
Will Mollies and Discus Get Along?
Yes. Molly and Discus fish do have a little in common, but their differences are more evident. The Molly and Discus are beautiful fish that come in different colors and are easy to keep.
Thou, the Discus fish, isn’t the best option for beginners because they have strict water quality; the molly, on the other hand, can adapt to various conditions.
Mollies sometimes tend to harass the Discus, or maybe the other way around, the Discus will be aggressive towards the Molly fish.
Will They Fight?
The Molly and Discus fish are calm and timid; they hide away behind plants or decorations. But both can also be aggressive. The wild-caught Discus can be hard to handle and sometimes aggressive.
Discus are regarded to be:
- timid fish
- higher standards for the quality of their water
- experience stress
- become hostile if they are placed in a setting that favors mollies
Additionally, a shy discus may:
- become harassed by an outgoing male molly
- end up hiding for an extended amount of time
Similar to how more subdued mollies can get fairly violent towards wild-caught discus. In such circumstances, you should separate the two fish as quickly as possible or attempt to change the tank’s settings.
The goal is to create a balanced habitat that can more comfortably accommodate both species.
![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YPQ_Geje2oU/hqdefault.jpg)
Molly Fish Water Parameters
Mollies require hard water (15-30 dGH) with higher pH levels (7.0-8.0).
Some fish can adapt to various water conditions, either hard or soft water. But the Molly fish aren’t able to adapt to soft water. If you are to place them in soft water, then you need to add more minerals.
Molly Fish Tank Setup
When setting up a tank, you don’t need to worry about having separate tanks for different Mollies. They can all be put in similar environments.
Set up the aquarium with a sandy substrate layer along the bottom of the tank. They can find grains, while at the bottom, it’s also an excellent place to keep plants and ornaments like rocks.
You can choose whatever plants you like, but taller options like Anubias Nana are good choices; they make good shelters for Mollies.
It is good to have multiple plants and decorations that can serve as hiding places for the fish since they tend to do a lot of hiding when they are shy, scared, or pregnant.
What Fish Can be Paired With Mollies?
Mollies are peaceful fish and are easy to handle. Pair Molly fish with:
- guppy fish
- swordtail
- platy
- Neon tetras
- Zebra Danio
- Minnows
- Plecos
- Gouramis
- Angelfish
Mollies will go great with other delicate fish. They wouldn’t like to be paired up with aggressive fish like barbs or betta. Or even paired with large fish, they might eat up your molly fish.
![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KiGE0WfRLRQ/hqdefault.jpg)
Discus Fish Water Conditions
Unlike other fish that will adapt to any water condition, the Discus has strict water conditions to be followed. It prefers:
- soft, acidic, and warm water
- pH above 5.0 and below 8.0.
- 1°-4° dKH for the hardness of the water.
- Temperature above 80°, but not exceeding 87° Fahrenheit.
- To keep the water at the proper temperature, use an aquarium heater.
- Keep the Captive-bred Discus, on the other hand, tap water that is dechlorinated.
- Discus needs pristine water quality, with a 15 -30% weekly water change. You could use Aqueon for water changes in the aquarium.
Discus Tank Setup
There are many fish tanks to choose from at the market, but when it comes to the Discus, always consider the shape of the tank.
The tank should promote optimal filtration, which will also reduce the movement of water. Place the tank between 1 and 1.2 meters above the ground. Placing the tank high up makes the Discus feel secured.
It would be best to consider putting plants and decorations like rocks to make caves where they can hide or play.
What Fish Can Go in a Tank With Discus?
Whichever type of fish you add to your discus fish tank, make sure they can comply with the discus condition, not the other way around.
Examples of compatible fish with Discus include:
- Characins
- dwarf cichlids
- Gouramis
- clown loaches
- Rasboras
- Rainbowfish
- Siamese Algae Eater
- Cardinal Tetra
- Neon Tetra
- Pencil Fish
- Pleco Fish
It would be best if you were extra cautious when choosing a companion for your Discus. Avoid too many companions for a discus tank.
The number of fish in a group shouldn’t be more than five in the tank. But it also depends on the size of your fish tank.
Molly and Discus have a few similarities, but the differences between them are more evident.
Although they are both calm, shy and peaceful fish, they may not enjoy the same conditions, possibly making them incompatible with each other.
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