Are Betta Fish Freshwater or Saltwater Fish

Betta fish is no doubt one of the most popular fish among aquarists. They are brightly colored and will add life to your fish tank. They are very hardy and will survive longer in poor condition compared to most other fish.

Betta fish are tropical freshwater fish. They should not be kept in saltwater.  In the wild they are only found in fresh water lakes and rivers.

Are Betta Fish Freshwater or Saltwater Fish

They are popular because of their vibrant color, hardy, and distinct nature that differentiate them from other freshwater fish.

Are Betta Fish Freshwater Fish

For many years, there has been a slight controversy about the habitat of bettas. This debate is particularly common among beginners, and it is largely about if they are freshwater or saltwater fish.

They swim in warm water in a temperature region of 74-82°F. You can also make the tank suitable for bettas by including a filter. This addition will also ensure the stability of the tank temperature.

Can Betta Fish Live In Salt Water

Betta fish are indeed hardy, but they might not survive if you keep them in extreme conditions. However, the good news is that this feature allows betta fish to cope pretty well in saltwater.

The hardy nature of betta fish will help them to handle salt pretty well. This feature allows them to cope with several tank mates.

Can I Add Aquarium Salt To A Betta Tank

Every aquarist will do all it takes to ensure that the tank is suitable for their fish. Since bettas can cope with salt in their tank, some aquarists often consider adding suitable salt to their tank.

You can add suitable aquarium salt to your betta fish tank. But it is essential to ensure that you are not overdosing the fish tank with the salt. Nevertheless, aquarium salt is completely safe for your bettas.

The amount of salt you should add to your Betta tank depends on why you are adding the salt in the first place. Some aquarists add aquarium salt to the fish tank to become a part of their environment.

Likewise, you can add aquarium salt to the betta tank to treat various mild illnesses and diseases before becoming fatal. You can also add it to the tank as a preventive measure against potential diseases or parasites that might invade the fish tank.

Betta Fish Water Requirements

Water is a crucial part of any fish tank. It can determine if the fish tank will be comfortable for your fish or not. Likewise, it can determine the survival of the fish in the tank and its overall wellbeing.

Bettas are hardy and will cope with varying water conditions. However, it is essential to maintain a stable water condition. Bettas can react negatively to a drastic water change in their tank.

Bettas thrive best in calm water within a pH of 6.8 and 7.5.  They can cope with water temperature within the range of 76-850F. They thrive best in a warmer temperature. Although they can tolerate lower temperatures, colder temperatures will make them inactive and vulnerable to various diseases.

It is equally essential to ensure the stability of the tank temperature. If you intend to keep bettas in water temperature above 760F, you might need to include a heater to the tank to stabilize the temperature. The size of a suitable heater is dependent on the size of your tank.

Ensure that you carry out a routine evaluation of the tank water. Regularly carry out partial water changes to ensure the cleanliness of the tank. Avoid the buildup of ammonia and other organic waste in your fish tank.

Betta Fish Care

Betta fish are very hardy; thus, caring for them is relatively easy. This hardy feature is one of the reasons why it is an ideal fish for beginners. Nevertheless, it does not translate to paying less attention to your fish.

The first step in bettas’ care is optimizing their tank conditions. You should ensure that the tank’s water condition is at an optimal level. A healthy betta fish will require 3-5 gallons of water for it to be comfortable.

It is equally essential to ensure the proper arrangement of the tank. The arrangement includes the addition of live plants and other decorations. These additions will help you simulate the fish’s natural habitat. Likewise, it will provide them with enough hiding spots to rest. However, it would be best if you were careful not to add decorations or plants with sharp edges in the tank.

Choosing only suitable tank mates for your fish is equally important. Keep them with tank mates with similar requirements that will neither stress them nor snack on them.

Do not keep two male Bettas in the same tank. These fish species are highly territorial and will fight off any fish they perceive as threats or competitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions on betta fish.

Do Betta Fish Live In The Wild? Bettas live comfortably and thrive well in the wild. They are mostly found in the shallow waters of Asia. They are more prevalent in slow-moving streams, ponds, rice paddies, and other areas.

Do Betta Fish Get Lonely? Betta fish are very unlikely to get lonely in the tank. They are naturally territorial, and even keeping them with other bettas can even be a problem. Bettas are highly territorial and will fight off each other when you keep them together. This behavior shows that they don’t precisely enjoy each other’s company.

Can Betta Fish Hear Your Voice? Betta fish are fairly intelligent, and they pay attention to details both within and outside their tank. Betta fish can hear your voice even from outside the tank. Nevertheless, they don’t have well-developed senses like cats or dogs that can recognize their names.

How Do You Know A Betta Fish Is Happy? Like every other living thing, you can always differentiate between when your bettas are happy and when they are not. One of the obvious signs that your bettas are happy in their tank is displaying strong and vibrant colors. They will hold their fins open and swim actively. They also feed actively without showing any signs of stress.


Hello, I'm Jason. I'm the guy behind I volunteer at my local fish shop and I created this site to offer tips and advice on the fish I care for.
